Gallery 35m2

city: Praha
address: Víta Nejedlého 23, 130 00 Praha 3
curator: Petra Steinerová a Michael Pěchouček
opening hours: pondělí až pátek 10–19 hod., sobota a neděle 12–19 hod.
gallery opened: 27.10.2006

opening hours: Mon – Fri 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sat – Sun 12 a.m. – 7 p.m.
gallery opened: 10-27-2006

As with majority of Czech independent galleries, which originated in the first decade of the 21st century, the name of the gallery is derived from qualities of the site. The exhibition space is divided into two small rooms which were vacated during reconstructing of a workshop (on a basement of an apartment house in Prague quarter Žižkov). Gallery 35m2 is accessible through Café Pavlač. The gallery forms an independent part of the café, café being its sponsor. Thanks to this are the opening times quite generous when compared with other independent galleries whose production concentrates mainly on the opening day and then they are opened for public only scarcely. Gallery 35 proves with its existence in the periphery quarter of Žižkov that alternative gallery, concentrating on the youngest artist still on studies, art colleges’ fresh graduates to better known artists, could function even outside the city centre. The curatorial project has kept a good standard since 2006 with Michal Pěchouček and Petra Steinerová. The curators specialize in painting and photography with certain overlaps to conceptual art and installation.

Lenka Vítková, Vasil Artamonov, Alexey Klyuykov, Vladimír Skrepl, Tereza Severová, Alena Drahokoupilová, Zdena Kolečková, Tomáš Hrůza, David Böhm, Jiří Franta, Radeq Brousil, Ladislav Babuščák etc.

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